You’ve Graduated College. Now what?

You slipped on that black robe, put on that felt cap and looked at your reflection in the mirror, wearing that winning smile. In a few hours, you’re about to walk in front of your batch mates. You’ll walk, take your diploma and take a bow in front of the kids who are all lucky enough to survive college with you. Yes, it’s graduation day and it’s a moment you are very proud of.

After all of the confetti had been thrown, the music had been played, and the champagne had been popped, you have realized that the party is over. Alas, you are now faced with the reality every graduates undergo. The reality of unemployment.

What to do after graduation?

Once you leave college, a lot of doors will open. Some are too obvious for you, while others are needing more attention for you to notice. Believe me, it’s a complex world out there. It can be scary. You might not handle the pressure and just give up. Or just settle on something that’s not even living up to your capabilities. If you’re clueless of what to do post graduation, these things might help you:
  1. Proceed with the Master’s Degree
    • Aside from helping you broaden your knowledge of your chosen field, earning this degree will also help you land those high-level job positions. This is also a stepping stone for you to proceed with the Doctoral Degree.
  2. Know Your Strengths and Weaknesses
    • You don’t have to apply for the job your parents wished you to have. You need to realize what you are capable of. I am sure some have already come to surface while you were studying college. Make use of the talents that you possess. Make a living out of your talents and what you are passionate about. If it doesn’t work, proceed to the next.
  3. Set your Goals
    • After realizing what you’re really good at, you also need to know what you really want to achieve in life. It could be purchasing that dream house you have in mind, to be able to drive that sports car, or just to sit on your porch looking at the garden you’ve grown.
    • Just remember to achieve these goals one by one.
  4. Work for it
    • Now that you have your goals, it’s time for you to earn some cash. Let’s face it, free stuff is hard to come by. You don’t want to end up on the streets, begging others for food.
    • Do not settle for something that you feel safe with. You have already determined your capabilities. What you want to do is maximize them. Take risks. If you fail, it’s okay. You can either try again, or proceed with another.
  5. Invest
    • It’s nice to hold and feel all the money you have earned through hard work. However, due to constant economic changes, the value of money also change. You don’t want to have them sitting in your cabinet, nor the bank. You want to see them grow. Study how investments work. Do stock markets, real estates, or venture into business. Use your money on anything that will benefit you in the future. I am sure you will not regret it.
These are some ideas on what to do after receiving that college diploma. It is still up to you on what to do with your life. Remember to take risks while you’re still young. Make sure you have a strong support group such as friends and family. They will be there for you every step of the way. Don’t waste opportunities. And most importantly, stay humble.

8 thoughts on “You’ve Graduated College. Now what?

  1. I was so lost when I graduated college, I didn’t know where to go or what to do or how to do anything. I don’t feel like they adequately prepare you for the real world coming out of college. I wind up seeing that I hated the jobs that my degree could provide and going to a completely different field, but I was glad that I did it.


    1. You are so right! I feel that College is just a money-making machine for the owners. I wish they add more life-relevant subjects for the future youth. I am glad you are not regretting the path you have chosen.


    1. Being out in the real world is indeed tough. But I am pretty sure we’ll get our way around it. There are actually companies who’d accept internship for fresh grads. Everyone has to start somewhere.


  2. Great tips! Initially, I didn’t even think about investing when I graduated from college. Now that I have had a few years in the real world and I have become more aware, I can see how important something like investing is.


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